Masking in Kindergarten
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As a result of an increase in the recent number of positive COVID-19 cases impacting our Kindergarten cohorts, non-medical/cloth masks or face coverings will soon be mandatory for
all students in Kindergarten Year One and Year Two.
What you need to know:
• Beginning Wednesday, January 5, 2022, all students Kindergarten to Grade 12 will be
required to wear a mask indoors at school, as well as in all school vehicles (i.e., school
• During outdoor breaks, if students are unable to maintain physical distance from others,
it is advised that they keep their mask on. If this is not possible, then mask breaks can
be taken outside while students are with members of their cohort.
• If students can bring masks from home, please ensure they have them every school day.
Schools will have extra masks in case a student needs a replacement mask.
If your Kindergarten child is not familiar with wearing a mask, here are a few helpful tips:
Tip #1: Involve your child in choosing a fun pattern they like for their mask. When you involve
your child in decision making, they feel empowered.
Tip #2: Normalize face masks through play. Children learn and process feelings through play.
Make a mini mask for your child’s favourite stuffy, doll or superhero. Your child can practice
taking the doll’s mask on and off as well as their own.
Tip #3: Consider motivating kids to get used to wearing a mask by pairing it with something they enjoy, like reading stories with you or allowing video game time while wearing their mask.
Gradually increase the time the child practices wearing the mask (giving breaks as needed).
Thank you for your anticipated support of this enhanced safety measure.